Ecological Index, Status and Challenges of the Bird Conservation Programs (Avifauna) Among Indigenous Peoples of the Moi Lemas Tribe, West Papua


  • Dodi Yapsenang
  • Daril Andrean Davinsa PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional Refinery Unit VII Kasim, Sorong, Papua Barat
  • Bambang Respati PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional Refinery Unit VII Kasim, Sorong, Papua Barat
  • Agus Kurniawan PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional Refinery Unit VII Kasim, Sorong, Papua Barat
  • Maryani Maryani PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional Refinery Unit VII Kasim, Sorong, Papua Barat
  • Mustagfirin 081225572090



Bird, conservation challenges, conservation status, ecological index , indigenous peoples


Bird Avifauna) is one of the biodiversity that has an important role in the ecosystem as a bioenvironmental indicator. The hunting activity and trade of birds occurred continuously making the existence and functions of the bird community threatened. One of the biodiversity programs of PT Pertamina International Refinery Unit VII Kasim is bird conservation in the Buffer zone area. This program was carried out in the middle of the Indigenous Peoples of the Moi Tribe Lemas. The ecological index, conservation status and defiance in the program lack of information, so research or urgency in research on avifauna was necessary. This research was conducted in January-February 2022, in the Buffer zone area of ​​38.5 ha. The research methods consist of preliminary surveys, location determination, counts of birds, determining animal conservation status (IUCN, CITES, PP), as well as observation of Program challenges to related stakeholders. The analysis used in this study includes the Ecological Index (H', R, E) and Descriptive Analysis of the implementation of programs based on related stakeholders. The results obtained that the index (H ') had a value of 3.74, index (R) with range of 1.02 and the index (e) with a range 0.02. Conservation status (IUCN Red List) obtained 1 type of bird being endangered, (CITES) had resulted with 14 species was forbidden for sale or noted, and 23 species of birds protected by Government Regulations of Indonesia. Whereas in the implementation of the program, it was concluded that the society of Moi Lemas was an important key in conservation programs in the company area and their suggestions must be used as part of the implementation of the program in the field. Deliberations are held with the Moi Tribe Indigenous People, so that the intensity and area of ​​hunting are regulated in such a way, so that the bird's integrity can be maintained.


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