Triple Layered Business Model Canvas for PT Bio Farma (Persero) through the Biodiversity Program in the Coastal Area of West Java’s North Coast
Biodiversity; Community Development; Corporate Social Responsibility; Environmental; Triple Layered Business Model Canvas.Abstract
This research explores the implementation of biodiversity programs in the coastal areas of the North Coast of West Java using the Triple Layered Business Model Canvas (TLBMC) approach. The goal of this research is to create a comprehensive framework (TLBMC) by integrating economic, social, and environmental aspects in one model. The TLBMC method can identify and maximize the value of each layer through activities such as mangrove rehabilitation, community training, and biodiversity index measurements to monitor the condition of the mangrove ecosystem. The implementation of TLBMC by PT Bio Farma (Persero) on the North Coast of West Java has had a significant impact on the environment and socio-economy of the local community. Furthermore, PT Bio Farma (Persero) has increased its reputation by committing to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals, especially No. 14 and No. 15. The biodiversity program implemented by PT Bio Farma in the coastal area of the North Coast of West Java supports environmental sustainability and community welfare. Through the integration of economic, social, and environmental aspects in the business model, PT Bio Farma has created long-term sustainable value.
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