Prospect: Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
<p><strong>Prospect: Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (P-ISSN: 2827-8224 and E-ISSN: 2828-0016)</strong> is a peer-reviewed journal, published by Prospect Publishing since 2022 as a national journal. <strong>Prospect: Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat</strong> publishes all reports on the implementation for the community empowerment and community development. It is available online as open access sources. This statement clarifies the ethical behavior of all parties involved in the act of publishing an article in this journal, including the author, the editor-in-chief, the Editorial Board, the reviewer, and the publisher.</p>Prospect Publishingen-USProspect: Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat2827-8224Community-Based Tourism Development: Mount Bismo Ecotourism Development Program in Sikunang Village, Kejajar District, Wonosobo Regency
<p><em>Sikunang Village, which is located in Kejajar District, Wonosobo Regency, Central Java Province, has a very potential landscape. The Sikunang Village area is included in the Dieng Plateau area which has the potential for a mountainous landscape. One of them is a mountain in the Sikunang Village area, namely Mount Bismo. However, this potential has not been felt optimally by the residents of Sikunang Village. This is due to a lack of skills in managing tourist and climbing areas in the region. Apart from that, economic factors also influence the condition of the people in Sikunang Village, where some residents live below the poverty line and are unemployed. Responding to these problems, PT Geo Dipa Energi (Persero) Dieng Unit through its CSR program implemented a community empowerment program based on ecotourism development. The program entitled "Mount Bismo Ecotourism Development in Sikunang Village" is implemented by forming tourism awareness groups, developing tourism supporting infrastructure, and developing the capacity of tourism awareness groups. This program can increase capacity in managing mountain climbing tourism and increase income for group members, as well as preserving the environment in the Mount Bismo area.</em></p>Fachmi FabianFaqih Nur Abdullah
Copyright (c) 2024 Prospect: Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
2024-10-102024-10-103310.55381/jpm.v3i3.336Implementation of the Masaco Filter Innovation (Water Hyacinth Cellulose Membrane) as a Solution for Wastewater Management at Pertamina FT Cikampek and Clean Water Availability in Walahar Village
<p><em>Innovation to improve environmental impact was conducted by PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Fuel Terminal Cikampek in accordance with the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) analysis. One of them is related to reducing the load of water pollution by creating the Masaco Filter innovation (Water Hyacinth Cellulose Membrane). The innovation was created in line with the linkage of LCA and social innovation to answer a hotspot related to the impact of eutrophication. The Masaco filter applied to the Clean Water Management Installation or “Instalasi Pengelolaan Air Bersih” (IPAB) in the implementation of the Ngabedahkeun Walahar Program resulted in a reduction in Escherichia Coli levels from 100 CFU/100ml to 0 CFU/100ml and Total Coliform from 7 CFU/100ml to 0 CFU/100ml, Total Dissolve Solid which was previously 450 mg/L to 218 mg/LP, and dissolved manganese which was previously 30 mg/L to 0.01 mg/L so as to produce clean water hygiene and sanitation following the Minister of Health Regulation No. 2 of 2023 concerning Environmental Health Quality Standards.</em></p>Taufik IsmailKhakam Ma'rufRizal Justian SArizky Sudewo R SudewoM.Zakky Al Ghifari Cita insaniah MJauhari Ali
Copyright (c) 2024 Prospect: Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
2024-10-102024-10-103310.55381/jpm.v3i3.388Simfoni Kidung Tanggulangin: From Us to Keswa
<p><em>Mental illness often becomes a turning point in a person's life. The strong social stigma and the double burden that mental health patients must bear make them vulnerable to isolation and discrimination. The CSR program of Pertamina Gas Operation East Java Area, titled "Symphony of Tanggulangin,” in Tanggulangin Subdistrict, Sidoarjo, East Java, presents new hope. Through a comprehensive therapy program, we strive to provide a 'new chapter' for mental health patients, helping them manage their symptoms, improve their quality of life, and return to active participation in society.Because medication is not the only solution to the problems of mental health patients, they need activities as a form of therapy. Through various activities that promote economic improvement, social empowerment, and environmental preservation, mental health patients can consistently be reintegrated into society. With the principle that mental health patients are a vulnerable group deserving of "recovery" in their lives, the CSR of Pertamina Gas Operation East Java Areacontinues to carry out social innovation activities. Moreover, every part of society also plays an important role. Collaboration among actors such as the government, companies, academics, and volunteers is needed to realize a mental health-friendly village.</em></p>al rosyid anggi satryaZwita AlmaidaAdhelia Hasri Miracahyani
Copyright (c) 2024 Prospect: Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
2024-10-102024-10-103310.55381/jpm.v3i3.385The Community Management Strategies in the Jaga Hutan Borneo Program in Martadinata Village
<p><em>The</em><em> reduction of carbon emissions has gained increasing attention in Indonesia, particularly in the industrial regions of Kalimantan Island. The Martadinata Village Forest, which directly borders the operational area of PT Pertamina Gas Operation Kalimantan Area, is now under threat due to the prevalence of illegal logging activities. The natural ecosystem, water resources, and vegetation within the Kutai National Park conservation area have become targets of irresponsible illegal </em><a href=""><em>actions. Through the Jaga Hutan Borneo program, PT Pertamina Gas Operation</em></a> <em>Kalimantan Area, in collaboration with the Village Government, TNK (Kutai National Park), the Kampung Bersama Tourism Awareness Group, and the </em><a href=""><em>Forum for Environmental Care, initiated a program aimed at preserving the</em></a><em> ecology of the Martadinata forest through sustainable tourism. This tourism </em><em>development strategy is implemented using a multi-stakeholder approach, focusing </em><em>on forest conservation, environmental education, and the promotion of </em><em>environmentally friendly alternative economic activities. The program not only </em><em>protects carbon absorption areas but also empowers the community through </em><em>conservation-based economic initiatives</em></p> <p> </p>Revi Ayu MalindaYedo KurniawanOxsi Purbaya
Copyright (c) 2024 Prospect: Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
2024-10-102024-10-103310.55381/jpm.v3i3.368Realizing Responsible and Sustainable Living: Implementation and Outcomes of Water Conservation Efforts in Sidomulyo Village, South Sumatra
<p><em>The international forum, World Water Forum 2024, held in Bali, emphasized the global threat of a potential crisis in the availability of sustainable clean water. This issue is not limited to developing countries but will be felt across the world. This event is a form of social responsibility by PT Pertamina Gas (Pertagas) Operation South Sumatra Area (OSSA) in collaboration with the community of Sidomulyo Village as the subject of this service. Various activities were conducted involving the community, listening to their aspirations, formulating solutions together with the community, implementing the initiatives with them, and carrying out monitoring and evaluation collectively. This water conservation effort with the community is encapsulated in a program slogan called Pusaka Tirta. Pusaka Tirta stands for the strengthening of sustainability strategies, with Tirta meaning water. Furthermore, this slogan has been broken down into three sub-programs that are categorized based on the types and groups of activities. First, the water conservation efforts that focus on adaptation are named Tirta Asasta. Then, the conservation efforts focusing on mitigation are called Tirta Mahardika. Lastly, the conservation efforts focusing on rehabilitation are named Tirta Amarta.</em></p>HumairaMaulana Rizky WijayaSyauqi Ridlo Robbiy
Copyright (c) 2024 Prospect: Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
2024-10-102024-10-103310.55381/jpm.v3i3.386Application of Maggot Used Organic Fertilizer (Kasgot) in Food Crops and Horticulture Cultivation
<p><em>This community service was aimed to socialize and apply maggot frass as organic fertilizer in the cultivation of food crops and horticulture in the "Tani Sejahtera" Farmer Group, Tambaksari Kidul Village, Kembaran District, Banyumas Regency. This community service activity was carried out at the 'Tani Sejahtera' Farmer Group, Tambaksari Kidul Village, Kembaran District, Banyumas Regency from June to August 2024. Lecture and discussion methods were used as interactive and two-way information transfer media, then self-help demonstration plots were carried out. The results of the activity showed that farmers were able to absorb material about the potential of maggot frass as a source of </em>organik<em> fertilizer. Farmers voluntarily carried out self-help demonstration plots with commodities developed including corn, cucumber, basil and rice. The maggot frass used has met the technical standards as </em>organik<em> fertilizer according to the Decree of the Minister of Agriculture No. 261 / KPTS / SR.310 / M / 4/2019.</em></p>PurwantoSiti NurchasanahRisqa Naila Khusna SyarifahLafi Na'imatul BayyinahHana HanifaHanim Rahayuaningsih Ratnaningsih
Copyright (c) 2024 Prospect: Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat