Approach of Transect Quadrant Methodology for Assessing Coral Coverage and Biodiversity in Ghost Bay, Amed, Bali


  • Wimal Zulfiady PT BioFarma (Persero)



Amed Ghost Bay; Coral Quality;Diversity; Coral Growth Areas; Transect Quadran Method


Amed, Ghost Bay, Bali, is a coral growth area that is potentially experiencing a decline in coral quality and diversity due to high human ecotourism activities and other maritime economic factors such as beach reclamation, resort construction, and the opening of new dive centers.

Due to the high level of pressure that can cause damage to coral growth areas, efforts are needed to expand the coral reef area. One such effort is coral transplantation.

This study aims to determine the impact of changes in coral coverage and the increase in marine biodiversity in the waters of Amed, Ghost Bay, Bali. The coral transplantation method has been used to accelerate interventions for coral quality improvement since 2022.

The coral transplantation activities involve local stakeholders and other institutions such as PT Bio Farma (Persero), IBF, UDAYANA Nature Lovers Students, and Amed Dive Center. The method used is the transect quadrant method. Transects are laid out, and quadrants are placed at each meter. Observations are then made using a visual camera to determine substrate coverage. Meanwhile, biodiversity data for marine commodities are analyzed through a visual census of each fish and invertebrate around the coral structures.


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