Mangrove Learning Center dan Pahlawan Cilik Teluk Buo Edu Ecotourism


  • Inggar Mayang Sabrina PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Sumbagut Integrated Teluk Kabung
  • Arry Wahyudi
  • Syafrianto Sitanggang
  • Fakri



Edu Ecotourism; Empowerment; Mangrove Learning Centre; Sustainable Coastal Tourism.


Edu Ecotorusm Teluk Buo is one of the community development programs of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Sumbagut IT Teluk Kabung in Central Teluk Kabung, Bungus Teluk Kabung District, Padang City, Province West Sumatra that has various natural and socio-cultural resource potentials. One of them is the existence of multifunctional mangrove ecosystem areas in the Coastal area. However, this condition is not supported by community awareness to preserve mangrove forests as ecotourism areas. This is due to lack of public understanding of the function of the existence of the mangrove ecosystem, yet optimizing efforts to maintain mangrove areas from the community is a major problem in the Teluk Buo. This research aims to describe the Teluk Buo Tourism Village Development program built by PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Integrated Terminal Teluk Kabung in the economic and field sector environment to improve the economic level of society and improve coastal life. The method used is descriptive-qualitative with data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observations, and documentation. The results of this study show that activity and innovation in the Teluk Buo Tourism Village Development program carried out by Pokdarwis Teluk Buo has had an economic impact on the Teluk Buo community.


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