Empowerment of the Rejo Basuki Village Community through Cow Dung Waste into Biogas: Planning, Implementation to Impact
Budidaya Ternak, Biogas, Emisi Metana (CH4), Biogas; Livestock Cultivation; Methane Emissions (CH4)Abstract
Livestock farming in Central Lampung Regency has great potential. namely more than 220 thousand cattle owned by farmers in Central Lampung Regency (Disnakbun Lampung Tengah, 2017). The great potential of this cattle farming can be a threat to climate change if its waste as a producer of methane emissions is not managed circularly and optimally. One of the efforts to overcome this is by applying Domestic Biogas (BIRU) technology. The research methods used were interviews and focus group discussions. This research resulted in a program that answers the problems of the community, namely unmanaged cow dung waste by becoming biogas that can be used by households as a substitute for LPG
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