Sustainable Waste Management Strategies to Face Climate Change in the Coastal Area of Nelayan Sebrang Village


  • Winda Setyarini Fuel Terminal Medan Group
  • Ahda
  • Wiyono
  • Diki
  • Ade



Empowerment ; waste management ; climate change


The problem of waste is a common problem, the lack of waste management, and handling causes garbage to accumulate in coastal areas. The accumulation of waste causes various problems ranging from environmental pollution to damage to marine ecosystems. Rising sea temperatures and sea levels also harm coastal ecosystems and the existing waste problem. This research aims to identify and analyse sustainable waste management strategies to address climate change in coastal areas. This method was carried out qualitatively with a case study in the fishing village of Sebrang using a participant observation approach that involved the community directly in planning and implementation. The results of this research show that sustainable waste management in the coastal area of ​​the Fishing Village of Sebrang has implemented the 3R strategy (Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle) through the existence of a Waste Bank. Increasing public awareness, improving infrastructure, and cooperation between various parties are the keys to meeting the challenges of climate change and maintaining the sustainability of the coastal environment



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