ELOC BERSERI (Empowering Local Communities to Strengthen Ulubelu``s Social Forestry)
Social Forestry; Local community empowerment; innovation, cooperationAbstract
Ulubelu District, Tanggamus Regency, Lampung Province is one of the largest producer of robusta coffee in Indonesia. The majority of the people grow coffee in the forest community (social forestry). However, knowledge related to forest management sustainability is still limited. Many encroachment and poaching practices are found in Ulubelu Forest where the forest is a source of life for the surrounding community. By Therefore, PGE Ulubelu Area took the initiative to find alternative solutions that work together with its CSR fostered community group, namely KUPS (Kelompok Usaha Perhutanan Sosial) Margo Rukun Bestari, ERMi (Emergency Response Group Millenials) and KUBERSERI (Kelompok Usaha Bersama Ulubelu Lestari). Each group has an important role in sustainability of social forestry in Ulubelu. Thus, ELOC Berseri shows how innovation and cooperation can help achieve common goals and creating added value for all parties involved. This study uses the descriptive qualitative research to explain the implementation and impact of the Eloc Berseri program. The results of this study show that the company's CSR program the same as the surrounding community is able to overcome problems and provide good impact with improving welfare while preserving the environment.
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