Environmental Concept of Community Empowerment Through Kalesang Keranjang


  • Khansa Nur Husna Society




CSR, Community Empowerment, Kalesang Keranjang


This research aims to determine the impact of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Integrated Terminal Wayame's CSR programme, Kalesang Keranjang, in empowering environmentally friendly communities. This paper will describe whether the community empowerment that has been carried out also has an impact on environmental aspects or only in economic/social aspects. This research was conducted in Dusun Keranjang, Wayame Village, Teluk Ambon Sub-district, Ambon City using qualitative methods. The data for this research was collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. Quantitative data was also calculated based on scientific calculations. The data obtained in the field was analysed using the concept of nature-based economic development to determine the environmental impact generated by the Kalesang Keranjang program. The results of this research indicate that the Kalesang Keranjang Program is a community empowerment program that has an impact on multiple levels, including the economic, social, environmental, and welfare aspects.


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