Community Empowerment Efforts to Overcome Climate Change:

A Case Study of the TAMU SARAH (Sari Alam Semberah Honey Farmers) Program in Tanah Datar, Muara Badak, Kutai Kartanegara Regency


  • Reza Bagus Yustriawan Pertamina EP Sangatta Field



CSR, Economic Empowerment, Community Empowerment, Trigona Bees, Climate Change


This program was implemented based on a social mapping study in Tanah Datar, which identified local potential for trigona bee cultivation and the presence of the Madu Sari Alam Farmer Group, who develop these bees at home. Facing challenges like suboptimal harvest yields, limited cultivation knowledge, and marketing difficulties, Pertamina EP Sangatta Field - Semberah Field implemented the CSR program TAMU SARAH (Semberah Stingless Bee Farmers). This program aims to empower stingless bee farmers and address climate change by encouraging the community to preserve local vegetation that serves as feed for the bees, supporting ecosystem balance. This research employs a descriptive qualitative method based on interviews, observations, and literature studies. The program was executed with strategic planning and short-term work plans, involving stakeholders from the beginning. Implementation included capacity building, infrastructure support like honey harvesting tools and moisture reduction equipment, and marketing support through packaging updates and honey processing. Annual monitoring and evaluation identified potentials and challenges. The program successfully increased group members' income and became an economic innovation for the Tanah Datar community. This study emphasizes the importance of strategic planning and stakeholder involvement in the success of CSR-based community empowerment programs.


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