Religious Perspectives on Wonosobo Coffee Farmer Community Empowerment Actors in Community Empowerment Activities
Altruism, Community Empowerment, Empowerment Actor, ReligiousAbstract
A Religion is the basis of every human life, inseparable from the life of Indonesian society. As social being’s humans can’t live alone or live in need with other human beings. Religion teaches to help each other on the cause of good, such as: the common welfare goal, altruism. Prosperity can be achieved together with the empowerment of the community commanded by an empowerment actor. Empowerment actors need to have a handle on religious values so this article discusses the relationship between the religious values of empowerment actors and the empowerment activities carried out. This article is based on field trip study activities held by the Master and Doctoral Extension Development Study Programs in Wonosobo Regency and use a qualitative approach. The data was obtained from visits and interviews with coffee farmer empowerment actor, Mr. Romadhon. Data analysis was carried out by comparing the literature review with the state of the field submitted by the informant. The results explained that as an empowerment actor, Mr. Romadhon has a handle on religious values so that in every step he has a religious basis and a good purpose for the target community. Therefore, religion can be a basic perspective in carrying out empowerment for the noble purpose of helping others towards goodness in life.
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