Aim an Scopes

Proceeding of The International Conference on Multidisciplinary Studies (ICoMSi) is a medium for academicians, government, private companies, and social institutions to communicate research activities. Each published article is expected to provide new research references elsewhere on related issues.

Proceeding of The International Conference on Multidisciplinary Studies (ICoMSi) admits articles that were submitted to ICoMSi will be processed through a formatting review by the editor and a substantial review by an independent reviewers. The reviewing process is conducted by a double blind review. The reviewers are chosen by Scientific Committee. The decision regarding article publication is based on the review result.

Proceeding of The International Conference on Multidisciplinary Studies (ICoMSi) admits articles from research activities. There are no specific scientific limitations in this journal. Proceeding of The International Conference on Multidisciplinary Studies (ICoMSi) contains research reports : Cultural Heritage Preservation, Indigenous Knowledge Systems, Social Justice and Equality, Sosial Equality, Community Engagement, Community Empowerment, Sustainable Rulal and Urban Planning, Sustainable Development, Sustainable Tourism, Human Resource Management, Environmental Ethics, and Environmental Sustainability.