Environmental Concept of Community Empowerment Through Kamojang Green Living Ecosystem (KANG ELIE)






Kang ELIE, CSR, Community Empowerment


This research aims to determine the impact of the CSR program of PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy Tbk (PGE) in the Kamojang Area, this program called the Kamojang Green Living Ecosystem (KANG ELIE) in empowering communities with an environmental perspective. That way this research can see whether the Community Empowerment that is being carried out has an impact on the environment or only in economic/social aspects. Which is where this research was conducted around Kamojang, Laksana Village, Kab. Bandung by using qualitative methods. The data was collected using observation, interviews, and documentation to obtain qualitative data as well as measurable quantitative data. From the results of this study, it was found that KANG ELIE is a community empowerment program that has an impact not only in economic and social aspects, but also in the environment and welfare.


Author Biographies

Adi Rahmadi , PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy Tbk Area Kamojang

Government and Public Relation

PGE Area Kamojang

Muhammad Iqbal Pradipta, PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy Tbk Area Kamojang

Government and Public Relation

PGE Area Kamojang


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