Vol. 1 No. 1: 2023
Empowerment of Coastal Communities Based on Environmental Management Through the Utilization of FABA
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Protecting Bird Extinction: PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Fuel Terminal Kisaran's Programme of Excellence in Balam Bird Conservation
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Implementation of the Mangrove Conservation Programme in Gunungsitoli City, North Sumatra
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Social Innovation through Shrimp Shell Waste Management: Concept, Implementation, and Results
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Implementation of Fisherman Empowerment through Floating Net Cage in Terihindo Jaya Lestari Fisherman Group in Kampung Terih
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Community Development Practices through Corporate Social Responsible (CSR) Program
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The Management of Water Crisis Issue in Local Water Company of Sleman
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CSR Strategy of PTPN 7 Bekri Business Unit in Accommodating the Interests of Oil Palm Farmers
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Inclusiveness of Transmigration Women
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Environmental Concept of Community Empowerment Through Kamojang Green Living Ecosystem (KANG ELIE) -
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CSR Program of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga FT Simeulue Community Empowerment Based Through Catfish Cultivation in Langenget Village
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Implementation of the Pertamina Niaga Terminal Dumai CSR through a Community-Based Mangrove Tourism Program (Study on Tourism Awareness Groups)
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Implementation of Community Empowerment Around the Company Through Dairy Goat Cultivation by PT Pertamina Patra Niaga FT Krueng Raya CSR, Aceh
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Innovation of Sahabat Alam Waste Bank Program (BSSA)
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Access to Clean Water: Towards a Healthy Society at Baturetno Subdistrict, Wonogiri
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Local Experience in Improving the Health Quality of Malnourished Children (Stunting) in Rundeng Village – West Aceh Regency
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Solar Cell Innovation: Energy Source Drive Sewing Machine in D'Kartinis Group Eco-Friendly Sewing House
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The Impact of Community Empowerment Through Biofloc Catfish Cultivation in Hagu Tengah Village, Banda Sakti District, Lhokseumawe City
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The Effort of Adaptation and Mitigation Karya Mulya Village on Pertamina Limau Field
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Mangrove: Collaboration and Conflict Between Companies and Communities
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