Implementation of the Mangrove Conservation Programme in Gunungsitoli City, North Sumatra


  • Azman Fuel Terminal Gunungsitoli



Implementation, Conservation, Mangrove


This article discusses how the company's mangrove conservation program is implemented. The research method is descriptive qualitative with a constructivist approach. Data collection techniques using interviews, observation, and documentation studies. The company involves third parties in running its program. the third party is the North Sumatra Human Initiative. There are at least five stages carried out by the North Sumatra Human Initiative in implementing this program, including: 1) Location Survey, 2) Seed Preparation, 3) Land Preparation, 4) Seed Submission and 5) Mangrove Planting. Then, for the output of this program there are at least three, first there are mangrove plants that have been planted in Humene Village and Simanaere Village which are two villages in Gunungsitoli City. The number of seeds that have been planted is 1000 stems. The second outcome was that there were activity participants who understood the urgency and how to preserve mangrove ecosystems by direct practice of clearing land and planting mangrove seedlings. The third outcome is that the activity participants know the utilization and examples of processed mangrove products and their hopes to protect the mangrove plants that have been planted at this event.


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