Empowerment of Coastal Communities Based on Environmental Management Through the Utilization of FABA


  • Delta Prayogi PT PJB Services PLTU Suge Belitung
  • Zumar Bashendra Ibrahim PT PJB Services PLTU Suge Belitung
  • Nurhidayati PT PJB Services PLTU Suge Belitung




Community Empowerment, Welfare Improvement, Fly Ash Bottom Ash (FABA)


Belitung Island is one of the rich islands in Indonesia that has high potential in the fisheries sector. Currently, it can't be relied upon as the only livelihood of the community for various reasons. To respond to these things, PT PJB Services PLTU Suge Belitung through the implementation of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program, can utilize FABA as waste generated from the coal combustion process into economically valuable goods. This can be an alternative activity that residents can do to add skills and fulfil their daily economic needs. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the implementation of FABA utilization in employment on community welfare. The research method in the implementation of CSR is carried out by cooperating with other partners, namely the surrounding community, religious education organizations, and the Government of Belitung Regency. Results of this study show that the training skills received by the community in utilizing FABA have absorbed labour and can be used as an alternative job for the coastal community of Pegantungan Village.


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