Local Experience in Improving the Health Quality of Malnourished Children (Stunting) in Rundeng Village – West Aceh Regency


  • Vander Hens Lumban Tobing Pertamina FT Meulaboh
  • Iqbal Muhammad Pertamina FT Meulaboh




Childhood Stunting, Increasing Health Qualities, Local Experience, Rundeng Village


This article aims to explore local experiences in improving the health quality of children suffering from malnutrition (stunting) in Rundeng Village, Johan Pahlawan Subdistrict, West Aceh Regency. This study was conducted through a community engagement process utilizing the operational steps of community development practices. The research findings indicate that the stages of implementing health quality improvement for stunting cases involved two main methods: the construction of decent housing and the provision of supplementary nutrition to the Pertamina Meulaboh mentoring group through the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program. The research implications provide important guidance in the process of reducing stunting cases, emphasizing the importance of planning innovations and third-party interventions in improving health quality, especially in villages that have not been reached by sustainable development programs. However, this study has its own unique characteristics in terms of practical aspects that may not be generalized to different locations, thus requiring a broader examination of the scope and operational domain of different research.


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