Solar Cell Innovation: Energy Source Drive Sewing Machine in D'Kartinis Group Eco-Friendly Sewing House
Economics, D'Kartinis Group, Poverty, Solar CellAbstract
The economic level of the people of Teluk Kabung Utara, Padang City, West Sumatra Province is still at the middle to lower level. Its location close to the beach makes the majority of people work as fishermen, farmers, and casual laborers. In addition, industrial growth has an impact on increasing electricity consumption. This study aims to describe the Eco-Friendly Sewing House program fostered by PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Integrated Terminal Teluk Kabung in the economic sector to improve the economic level of the community. The research method used is descriptive-qualitative with data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observations, and documentation. The results of this study show that activities and innovations in the Eco-Friendly Sewing House program carried out by the D'kartinis group have an impact on improving the economy of the North Kabung Bay community. On the other hand, this program is a medium in preserving the environment by utilizing renewable energy in the form of solar cells as alternative electric power to drive sewing machines. The goal is to become a sustainable development program that is environmentally friendly and prospers the community. The existence of this program is expected to empower the community to get out of problems and maximize their potential, and the implementation of the program is not only felt by the people of North Teluk Kabung but also outside Padang City.
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