The Management of Water Crisis Issue in Local Water Company of Sleman


  • Ade Putranto Prasetyo Wijiharto Tunggali Universitas Aisyiyah Yogyakarta
  • Devi A’zifa An Anilah Universitas Aisyiyah Yogyakarta
  • Wuri Rahmawati Universitas Aisyiyah Yogyakarta



Management Issues Crisis, water, Customer Complaint


This study aims to analyze the management of water crisis issues in PDAM (Local Water Company) Sleman. This study employed qualitative methods and the samples were taken through purposive sampling. The types of data in this study were primary and secondary data gathered through interviews, observations, and documentation. Data analysis technique was conducted by transcription, reduction, presentation, and conclusion. Meanwhile, the validity of the data was using source triangulation. The results of this study indicate that costumers report complaints to PDAM Sleman by visiting directly to the office or through social media such as Tweeter, Instagram, and Website. Based on these customer complaints, PDAM Sleman managed the crisis issues. Management of handling the crisis issues were executed through four stages, i.e. identification, analysis, isolation, and strategy selection. Crisis identification was carried out by the service department based on the complaint book at the office and on social media. The results of the crisis identification uncovered three main problems, i.e. water off, unclean water, and increase of water use every month. Of the three main problems, a priority scale was made based on the most urgent handling such as complaints of water off. The PDAM Sleman took actions such as site surveys to see field conditions and handle the complaints. Complaints were handled by contacting the nearest unit from the customer so that the complaint can be handled quickly.



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