Protecting Bird Extinction: PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Fuel Terminal Kisaran's Programme of Excellence in Balam Bird Conservation
Conservation, Balam Bird, Pertamina Program, Fuel Terminal KisaranAbstract
This research discusses the flagship programme launched by PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Fuel Terminal Kisaran. The programme started in 2022 with a focus on the Balam bird. This programme was motivated by observations in the surrounding environment, due to extinction based on reports from the official bird population website. At the beginning of the programme, 4 birds were bred and by the end of the year, the number had grown to 15. With the data presented, there is great hope that this excellent programme can become a model for other communities or companies. As a basis, the Balam bird is one of 177 species that will become extinct, and in the past few years it has not appeared much. From various literature obtained, that in preserving animals or biodiversity itself requires support or support from the community, towards awareness of the extinction of animals. Apart from preservation and being a pilot, it makes a means of bio-education in the surrounding community as well as other additional values regarding typical chirping. The hope for the future is not only to preserve the Balam bird, but also to preserve other biodiversity and care for the environment or reforestation as its natural habitat.
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