Inclusiveness of Transmigration Women


  • Dedo Prayoga PT Pertamina EP Limau Field
  • Catherine Wahyuning Wilujeng PT Pertamina EP Limau Field
  • Erwin Hendra Putra PT Pertamina EP Limau Field
  • Wawan Hendrawan PT Pertamina EP Limau Field



Inclusiveness, Product Diversification, KWT


The purpose of this study was to analyze the activities of the Anggrek Dewata program as a form of inclusiveness for transmigrant women in Air Talas Village, Rambang Niru District, Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatra. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative by analyzing the impact of the program with social, economic and environmental dimensions. The results show that with the Orchid Dewata program, as a form of inclusiveness implemented in Air Talas Village, namely the formation of women farmer groups (KWT), training of citrus derivative products into pie, syrup and marmalade, construction of a production house as a container and management of kwt production, P-IRT and HALAL certification to increase consumer confidence in the product. So that the activities can increase the group's economic income by as much as IDR 2,000,000/month/member. In addition, from an environmental point of view, the activities have been able to reduce unused sour orange waste by 1 ton and reduce GHG emissions by 3,504 Tons of CO2eq.


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