The Effort of Adaptation and Mitigation Karya Mulya Village on Pertamina Limau Field
Climate Change, Food Security, Impact, ProKlimAbstract
The purpose of this study was to determine the activities of the climate village program carried out by Pertamina Limau Field in Karya Mulya Village, Rambang Kapak Tengah District, Prabumulih City as an adaptation and mitigation effort. The method used in this study is qualitative, including introduction, implementation of the TJSL program, impact, and program evaluation. Moving on from the problem of food security in Karya Mulya Village, which is one of the focuses of climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts. Through the climate village program, Pertamina is here to try to help Karya Mulya Village in increasing this business. Supporting activities such as land use for agriculture, village government policies, and company collaboration have a good social, economic and environmental impact in Karya Mulya Village.
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