Innovation of Sahabat Alam Waste Bank Program (BSSA)
Garbage Bank, Management, Social InnovationAbstract
A common problem that is of serious concern in various countries, especially Indonesia, is waste, the second largest contributor to food waste/food waste in the world after Saudi Arabia, a total estimated food waste of 300 kg per capita each year (Hermanu, 2022). So we need a community socio-economic approach that aims to build sustainable solutions. One of the Minangkabau DPPU CSR targets is Kampung Apar Village which produces 400 kg of waste. The social innovation offered to overcome this waste problem is the Friends of Nature Garbage Bank (BSSA) program.
The purpose of this research is to analyze the activities of the BSSA program and the BSSA program innovation in Apar village. There are 2 (two) research issues discussed in this study, how are the activities of the BSSA program and what are the innovations of the BSSA program in Apar village. This study uses the Participatory Action Research method, namely the participatory action research method, with the aim of identifying innovation programs that become the formulation of research problems.
The results obtained from this study are social innovations, such as the Tusa Desa program, the Garbage Bank, BSF Maggot Cultivation, Green Alms, and Used Cooking Oil Management, all of these programs are interrelated to create a society that cares about the environment and is able to manage household waste that is powerfully produced.
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