Farmer Sustainability Strategy in Optimizing Agricultural Land Due to Climate Change


  • Anggit Novian Berlianto Universitas Diponegoro
  • Ferry Hermawan
  • Muhammad Helmi



Agriculture; Climate Change; Plant Pest Organisms; Strategy.


The majority of Indonesia's population are farmers, climate change is a threat because it can cause various threats such as prolonged drought. The impact of drought causes farmers to experience crop failure, damage to agricultural land, and decreased agricultural productivity. So, a sustainability strategy is needed to face climate change. The aim of the research is what farmers' strategies are in dealing with climate change. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods to describe the implementation of the strategies implemented. The research was located in Boto Village and Sekaran Village with a total of 10 respondents provided they had been farmers for more than 5 years. Boto Village is 82.89% of the total area is agricultural land and Sekaran Village is 75.55% agricultural land. Farmers in both villages have an average of 2,000 square meters of agricultural land. The results of the research show that farmers feel the impact of drought, including crop failure, increased pests, difficulty in irrigation. Farmers' sustainability strategies include the use of mature plants, taking water from rivers, maintaining production quality, strengthening groups. Farmers' independence shows that they have the ability to cultivate agriculture effectively, starting from less-than-optimal land management.


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