Vol. 2 No. 5 (2024)
Actions to Face Climate Change and Its Impacts Through Community Development Program: “Tanahku Semambu”
Achievements of Climate Smart Agriculture Practices in Horticultural Agriculture in the Tawangargo Smart Eco-Farming Village Program
Farmer Sustainability Strategy in Optimizing Agricultural Land Due to Climate Change
Implementation of the MAMI SERA (Mangunharjo Mandiri Sejahtera) Community Empowerment Program (Case Study of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga AFT Ahmad Yani CSR Program)
Conserving Water, Preserving Heritage: Embung-Based Conservation in Sasak Communities Against Climate Change
NENG ELIE (Nurturing the Environment Through Kamojang Green Living Ecosystem) as a Community Empowerment Practice in Encountering Climate Change
Triple Layered Business Model Canvas for PT Bio Farma (Persero) through the Biodiversity Program in the Coastal Area of West Java’s North Coast
Inventory of Javan Leopards (Panthera pardus melas) in Masigit Kareumbi Game Reserve, West Java