Vol. 2 No. 5 (2024)
Farmer Sustainability Strategy in Optimizing Agricultural Land Due to Climate Change
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Implementation of the MAMI SERA (Mangunharjo Mandiri Sejahtera) Community Empowerment Program (Case Study of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga AFT Ahmad Yani CSR Program)
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Conserving Water, Preserving Heritage: Embung-Based Conservation in Sasak Communities Against Climate Change
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NENG ELIE (Nurturing the Environment Through Kamojang Green Living Ecosystem) as a Community Empowerment Practice in Encountering Climate Change
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Triple Layered Business Model Canvas for PT Bio Farma (Persero) through the Biodiversity Program in the Coastal Area of West Java’s North Coast
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Inventory of Javan Leopards (Panthera pardus melas) in Masigit Kareumbi Game Reserve, West Java
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Actions to Face Climate Change and Its Impacts Through Community Development Program: “Tanahku Semambu”
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Achievements of Climate Smart Agriculture Practices in Horticultural Agriculture in the Tawangargo Smart Eco-Farming Village Program
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