Implementation of the MAMI SERA (Mangunharjo Mandiri Sejahtera) Community Empowerment Program (Case Study of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga AFT Ahmad Yani CSR Program)
Corporate Social Responsibility; Implementation of Community Empowerment Programs; Program MAMI SERA.Abstract
This program departs from the problems of urban coastal areas in Indonesia, where these areas are areas located on the edge of the sea so they have very abundant marine resources. However, behind this abundant marine wealth, urban coastal areas have various problems, such as land subsidence, sea level rise, and climate disasters that have continued to occur recently. These various problems cause tidal floods which continuously inundate coastal areas. Mangunharjo Village is an urban coastal area included in Tugu District, Semarang City. Currently, this area has a big problem in the form of tidal floods that continuously occur. This tidal flood has given rise to new problems in the form of the sinking of several productive lands, such as rice fields. As a result, rice farmers who previously grew rice were forced to change their livelihood to become pond farmers who cultivate fish every day. However, the skills, knowledge and economic conditions of farmers affected by the tidal flood disaster are still limited. The results of this research are that PT Pertamina Patra Niaga AFT Ahmad Yani, through its CSR program in the MAMI SERA (Mangunharjo Mandiri Sejahtera) Community Empowerment Program in Mangunharjo Village, Tugu District, Semarang City, has attempted to encourage community independence in an inclusive manner by answering the main problem, namely Rob Floods which have an impact on the livelihood of its residents, namely pond farmers. On the other hand, the program also sees the potential of housewives and UMKMs so that there is also assistance for UMKMs and these mothers.
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