NENG ELIE (Nurturing the Environment Through Kamojang Green Living Ecosystem) as a Community Empowerment Practice in Encountering Climate Change
Community Empowerment; Climate Changes; NENG ELIE.Abstract
NENG ELIE (Nurturing the Environment Through Kamojang Green Living) Ecosystem is a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program initiated by PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy, Tbk – Area Kamojang, aimed at promoting a green ecosystem with three primary values: Green Lifestyle, Sustainability, and Resilience. This research endeavours to explore the company's CSR program, specifically focusing on the NENG ELIE ecosystem, and its environmental impact as a response to climate change. The study was conducted in the vicinity of Kamojang, Laksana Village, Bandung Regency, utilizing a qualitative methodology. Data collection involved observation, interviews, and documentation to gather both qualitative and quantitatively measurable data. The research findings reveal that the NENG ELIE Ecosystem significantly contributes to addressing climate change, with the program's initiatives resulting in a reduction of carbon emissions, a decrease in organic and inorganic waste. The resulting impact represents a tangible manifestation of the core value brought forth by NENG ELIE as a green ecosystem.
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