Achievements of Climate Smart Agriculture Practices in Horticultural Agriculture in the Tawangargo Smart Eco-Farming Village Program


  • Adi Candra Purnama PT Petrokimia Gresik
  • Santi Nur Rahayu
  • Sony Tri Dirgantara



Climate Smart Agriculture; Regenerative Agriculture; Smart-Eco Farming.


This paper discusses the practice of climate smart agriculture (CSA) in the Tawangargo Smart-Eco Farming Village (Tameng) program in Tawangargo Village, Karangploso District, Malang Regency. The program is carried out using the principle of community empowerment initiated by PT Petrokimia Gresik since 2022. The implementation of CSA is expected to be able to help the fostered group overcome climate change by achieving three goals, namely: increasing productivity and sustainable income, forming adaptability and resilience to climate change, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The initiation of the program was motivated by the reality of horticultural agricultural land degradation followed by the problem of land conversion for the development of tourist areas in Malang Regency and its surroundings. In addition, structural problems related to the low interest of the younger generation in choosing the farming profession are a justification that modern agriculture through the application of CSA principles or climate-smart agriculture is important given the limited labour force on agricultural land. This research was conducted using a descriptive qualitative method. The results of the study show that the TAMENG program produces social innovations in the form of the implementation of smart eco-farming, integrated agricultural waste management, the application of climate smart agriculture principles, as well as partnerships and education. The implementation of the Tameng program, which has entered the age of three years, shows the achievement of increasing the productivity of agricultural products and the income of members of the Agronova Vision farmer group. Furthermore, TAMENG has a positive impact on overcoming environmental problems by reducing CO2 emissions to 33,555 tons of CO2-e/year and being able to reduce the generation of crop waste by 140 tons.


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