Conserving Water, Preserving Heritage: Embung-Based Conservation in Sasak Communities Against Climate Change
Embung, Water Resources, Climate Change, Water Conservation, Suku SasakAbstract
The mismatch between water demand and supply is a significant water-related issue in Indonesia. This problem arises due to increased water usage resulting from climate change, shifting from rainy to dry seasons. Ideally, there should be reservoirs or dams to collect rainwater. The Sasak community has participated in water conservation by storing excess rainwater through structures called embung. This study focuses on examining perceptions, explaining regulations, and revealing the values and meanings of Embung-based water resource conservation in the Sasak community in the face of climate change. The research employs a qualitative exploratory approach with descriptive methods. Data collection techniques include observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis is conducted qualitatively through data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. In addition, the Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) approach is also employed to map the traditional reservoir model as sustainable water conservation. The results of this study indicate that Embung, as a cultural product inherited from the ancestors of the Sasak community, remains relevant today. Furthermore, Embung represents water management within the Sasak community, adhering to traditional ethics and philosophies of living harmoniously, peacefully, humanely, economically, and ecologically, such as Tunjung Tilah, Aiq Meneng, and Mpaq Bau. The findings reveal that the Sasak community perceives Embung as a crucial entity, embodying the appreciation, respect, and preservation of water. Embung is deemed an appropriate technology based on the local wisdom of the Sasak community to address climate change. It is particularly suitable for rain-fed areas with irregular rainwater intensity and distribution, making it ideal for regions experiencing prolonged droughts. Traditional Sasak tribal reservoirs are a series of interconnected assets born from their local community wisdom. These assets must be preserved and developed with their inherent noble values such as tunjung tilah, aiq meneng, and mpaq bau.
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