Lentera: Sustainable Environmental Management Initiative Through Cultivation and Management of Catfish in Sukamoro District to Face Climate Change


  • Yuliana Yuliana PT Bukit Asam Unit Dermaga Kertapati
  • Yulian Sudarmawan
  • Asyhari Prima Nanda
  • Rosada Yulyana
  • Puji Lestari
  • Nurul Putri Maghfiroh




Management of Processed Catfish Bringing Prosperity (LENTERA) is a CSR work program of PT Bukit Asam Unit Dermaga Kertapati. This program aims to utilize the potential of catfish cultivation and processing as a strategy to strengthen community economic businesses while supporting sustainable environmental management. This program includes various strategic actions to respond to the impacts of climate change, including providing two large exhaust fans to improve air circulation in cultivation areas, creating an aquaponic system supported by a Solar Power Plant (PLTS) using recycled materials such as wood and iron. used, conveyor belt for the bottom of the pool, and bottom ash for the floor and walls. Apart from that, this program also uses former brick excavation holes to become catfish ponds in collaboration with Karang Taruna. The research method uses a qualitative descriptive approach using interview techniques, field observations, documentation and questionnaires. The research results show a significant increase in catfish farmers' income as well as the effectiveness of sustainable technology in mitigating climate change. LENTERA not only improves the economic welfare of the community but also provides novelty in the integration of technology and sustainable practices for local fish cultivation.


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