Vol. 2 No. 4 (2024)
Edu-Ecotourism Mangrove Pasar Rawa: Efforts to Mitigate Climate Change and Community Welfare
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Empowering Fisherman in Kampung Tua Terih: An Overview Impact Through Social Return on Investment (SROI)
Abstract views: 11 times |
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Sustainable Black River Ecotourism: Sustainable Tourism as an Effort to Deal with Climate Change
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The Process of Initiating Forest and Land Fire Mitigation: Lesson Learned from the Practice of Tani Siaga in Pagar Dewa Village
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Community-Based City Resilience in Facing Climate Change through the Program Kampung Iklim (Proklim) in the Surakarta
Abstract views: 20 times |
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Innovation Of Plastic Waste Into Paving Block (Simpatik Japing Block)
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Improving the Well-Being of People with Disabilities through the Development of Sewing Skills
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Lentera: Sustainable Environmental Management Initiative Through Cultivation and Management of Catfish in Sukamoro District to Face Climate Change
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Sustainable Used Clothes Waste Management Innovation at PPS PGOT Mardi Utomo Semarang
Abstract views: 13 times |
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Analysis of the Implementation of Glodok Honey Bee Cultivation by Apiculturists in the Tanjung Leban Village Area, Bandar Laksamana District
Abstract views: 7 times |
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