Empowering Fisherman in Kampung Tua Terih: An Overview Impact Through Social Return on Investment (SROI)


  • Bagus Tri Prakoso PT Pertamina Patra Niaga AFT Hang Nadim
  • Resti Lestari
  • Sandy Pradana




Kampung Tua, SROI, Fisherman


This research seeks to monetize the impact of fisherman group empowerment activities. PT Pertamina AFT Hang Nadim carried out an empowerment practice intervention for the Terihindo Jaya Lestari at Kampung Tua Terih. So far, the company has had difficulty explaining the program's measurable impact with certainty. Therefore, a Social Return on Investment (SROI) study is needed that is able to quantify the impact so that it can explain the impact of the program holistically. This research uses mixed methods, namely combining quantitative and qualitative. Informants were drawn using purposive sampling techniques with data collection techniques through in-depth interviews, literature studies, and field observations. The research results illustrate that the quantitative impact of the program is 1.24, which shows that the benefit value is greater than the investment value. Meanwhile, qualitatively there are 3 dimensions of impact, namely economic, social, and environmental. This SROI study concludes that the environmental impact dimension provides significant benefits to the SROI calculation.


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