Improving the Well-Being of People with Disabilities through the Development of Sewing Skills
Disabilities; Sewing; Environment; Empowerment; Training.Abstract
Empowering people with disabilities through sewing skills training is one effective way to improve their welfare. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs are an approach that company use to achieve this goal. This research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of CSR programs in improving the welfare of people with disabilities through sewing skills training. This research uses a case study design involving 10 persons with disabilities who participated in the CSR program in Dumai. Data were collected through interviews, observations, and documentation conducted after two years of the program. Data analysis was conducted using descriptive method and qualitative analysis. The results showed a significant improvement in the participants sewing skills. In addition, there was an improvement in the participants economic and social well-being, as indicated by an increase in income, self-confidence, and involvement in the community.
The findings suggest that CSR programs can effectively improve the well-being of people with disabilities through sewing skills training. The implications of this study show the importance of sustainability of CSR programs in an effort to improve the welfare of people with disabilities.
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