Innovation Of Plastic Waste Into Paving Block (Simpatik Japing Block)
Block, Innovation, Plastic, Paving, WasteAbstract
This research aims to determine the innovation of plastic waste into paving blocks. The main problem is that the accumulation of rubbish that occurs every day in Palembang City reaches 1200 tons. This pile of waste will then be completely disposed of in the landfill. This is because the level of re-management of waste produced by both society and industry is still minimal. Indeed, there are several people who recycle inorganic waste into items of economic value such as baskets, bags, etc. However, because the economic turnover is quite slow and it is difficult to rely on it as a livelihood, this activity ends up being used as a distraction or sideline. There are no continuous waste management activities to reduce the amount of waste piled up in landfills. Meanwhile, waste can be generated every day, both organic and inorganic. As a responsive response to the company seeing this condition, PT Pertamina Patra Niaga AFT SMB II together with the community, especially those in one of the sub-districts in Palembang City, namely Talang Jambe Subdistrict, carried out a Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility (CSER) program through the Plastic Waste Innovation Program into Paving Blocks. or (Symphatetic Japing Block). The research method used is qualitative descriptive analysis. The impact of the Symphatetic Japing Block program can be studied through a sustainability compass from an economic, natural, social and welfare perspective.
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