Edu-Ecotourism Mangrove Pasar Rawa: Efforts to Mitigate Climate Change and Community Welfare
Climate Change Mitigation and Community Welfare; Edu-Ecotourism.Abstract
Pertamina EP Asset 1 Pangkalan Susu Field is one of the units of the state oil and gas company in the field of exploration and production, whose working area is located in Langkat Regency. As a state oil and gas company that lives and develops in the midst of the community, Pertamina EP Asset 1 Pangkalan Susu Field implements programs as a commitment to social and environmental responsibility. Pertamina EP Asset 1 Pangkalan Susu Field has an Edu-Ecotourism program for Mangrove Tourism in Pasar Rawa Village, Gebang District, Langkat Regency. This program is motivated by the problem of illegal logging of mangroves for raw materials for charcoal and house building materials on the river, conversion of mangrove land into oil palm and illegal ponds. This has an impact on reducing the number of fish, shrimp, and crab catches for fishermen in Pasar Rawa Village, which incidentally live on the sidelines of mangrove roots. Based on this background, the author wants to see how the implementation of the Pasar Rawa Mangrove Edu-Ecotourism Program is to climate change mitigation efforts? and how does it impact the welfare of the community? This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach. The results of the study show that the Mangrove Ecotourism Edu-Ecotourism Program has been implemented from 2023 until now. So that with this program, it is hoped that it can increase knowledge and protect mangrove ecosystems from the threat of climate change mitigation. Meanwhile, the impact on community welfare includes: 1) forming a mangrove conservation group, 2) revitalizing the production house of Pasar Rawa MSMEs, and 3) increase the income of the KTH Maju Bersama group.
Laporan Implementasi Program Edu-Ekowisata Mangrove Pertamina EP Pangakalan Susu Field.
Laporan Monitoring dan Evaluasi Pertamina EP Pangakalan Susu Field.
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