Analysis of the Implementation of Glodok Honey Bee Cultivation by Apiculturists in the Tanjung Leban Village Area, Bandar Laksamana District
Apikulturist; Community Empowerment; Honey Glodok CultivationAbstract
Honey has long been known as a natural product that has various important benefits for human life, both in terms of health, the environment and the economy. Honey bee cultivation contributes significantly to plant pollination, which is a crucial process for ecosystem sustainability and global food production. From an economic perspective, the honey industry provides a source of income for beekeepers or plays a role in the rural economy. This study was carried out in the Tanjung Leban Village area, Bandar Laksamana District, where many local people practice conventional honey cultivation. The old method used is fumigation during honey harvest which can cause local forest and land fires, thereby reducing bee vegetation and the surrounding environment. Lack of awareness and capacity in managing honey using “glodok” is the main problem for community groups in switching honey harvesting methods. The Biene Honey Group, which was the resource person in this research, has succeeded in increasing awareness and changing the behaviour of local communities in managing honey cultivation. The method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive analysis method, namely by conducting group discussions and providing assistance in implementing environmentally friendly honey cultivation activities
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Data BPBD Bengkalis 2024.
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