Sustainable Black River Ecotourism: Sustainable Tourism as an Effort to Deal with Climate Change


  • Rodhi Dwi Priono Communication, Relation dan CID Pertamina EP Sangasanga Field
  • Sarah Dhea Pratiwi Communication Relation & CID PT Pertamina EP Sangasanga Field



Ecotourism; Mangroves; Proboscis Monkey Preservation; Sustainable Tourism.


Land conservation in the Black River Watershed has resulted in a reduction in the area of mangrove forests, the natural habitat of proboscis monkeys. As it is known that the existence of mangroves can not only maintain natural habitats through carbon sequestration, but also increase the resilience of coastal communities to climate change and reduce the risk of natural disasters. Therefore, efforts are needed to prevent further damage to the Black River mangrove area and the proboscis monkey habitat in it, which is packaged in an ecotourism business. This article discusses how the implementation of the Sungai Hitam Sustainable Ecotourism program which develops ecotourism based on proboscis monkey conservation in the face of climate change. The research method uses descriptive qualitative methods with data collection techniques using interviews, observation and documentation studies. The innovation of ecotourism synergy with proboscis monkey conservation through educational activities, mangrove planting and solar panel utilization has contributed to mitigating climate change. Educational activities have increased community awareness, especially in paying attention to and protecting the Black River area so that it also has an impact on the area of the Black River mangrove forest that is maintained. In addition, the activities of planting 2500 mangrove seedlings in the Black River area and the use of solar panels as lighting for the ecotourism parking area have contributed to the absorption of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions reaching 175.34 and 51.04 tons of CO2eq/year respectively so as to reduce the rate of climate change


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