The The Impact of Sedimentation on the Use of Triangle Mangrove Barriers on the Addition of New Land in the Mangrove Education Center (MEC) area of Pangkalan Jambi Village


  • Ayu Septiani Universitas Riau
  • Aras Mulyadi
  • David M Haryanto
  • Wahyu Purwanto



Sediments, Mangrove, Trimba


The Mangrove Education Center (MEC) is located in the pangkalan Jambi village, Bukit Batu sub-district, Bengkalis district, Riau province. In 2004 in the village of Jambi base, a group of hope together was established, which is a group of local fishermen. The Mangrove Education Center (MEC) was established by the joint hope group to respon to emergency conditions due to abrasion that hit the coast of Pangkalan Jambi village. Abrasion in the Jambi base village occurs due to two factors, namely from nature and humans. The land is naturally abraded due to the force hitting the coast and accompanied by human factors, namely the illegal logging of mangroves by irresponsible people. This study aims to determine the effect of TRIMBA on sedimentation volume, success rate of planting, and utilization of TRIMBA on the impact of land addition. Determination of the sampling location is done by conducting several observations or preliminary studies. Observations were made by finding 3 sample points that represented the TRIMBA. The results showed that the sedimentation volume at station 1 was 6,650 m³, at station 2 it was 480 m³, and at station 3 it was 750 m³ so that the total volume was obtained with a value of 7,880 m³. This sedimentation volume is very useful for the 50% increase in land caused by the presence of TRIMBA. And the success rate of planting has also increased from previous years.


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