Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Oktober 2022
Ecological Index, Status and Challenges of the Bird Conservation Programs (Avifauna) Among Indigenous Peoples of the Moi Lemas Tribe, West Papua
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Community Social Impact Analysis of Kelan Green Beach Tourism Development (PT Pertamina Patra Niaga DPPU Ngurah Rai CSR Program)
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Empowering The Papring Community Through The Jemparing Wangi Program Towards Social Transformation
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Social Innovation in Sumanding's Super-Man Program: Challenges, Opportunities, and Implementation
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Creating Social Innovation: Lesson Learned from Community Development Practice at PT ANTAM UBP Emas Pongkor and PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional Unit III Plaju
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The The Impact of Sedimentation on the Use of Triangle Mangrove Barriers on the Addition of New Land in the Mangrove Education Center (MEC) area of Pangkalan Jambi Village
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