Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): April 2023
Analysis of the Involvement and Role of Women Farmers in Peatland Horticultural Agricultural Development Efforts (Case Study of Horticultural Agricultural Land Belonging to the Maju Jaya Bersama Farmer Group in Kampung Baru Hamlet, Batang Duku Village, Bukit Batu District, Bengkalis Regency, Riau Province)
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Visitor Perception of the Agricultural Research and Assessment Installation (IP2TP) in Samboja Case Study: Visits by Students from the State Polytechnic of Samarinda
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Stakeholder Collaboration in Flood Disaster Management in Labansari Village
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Leadership Style of Local Actors in Community Development and Empowerment
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Social Capital and Its Role in the Development of Tambi Coffee
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Community Empowerment Based on Religious Groups “JSN Cengkir Gading”
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Development Communication Challenges in Preserving Tambi Coffee Farms and Revitalizing Critical Lands
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