About the Journal
This proceedings series aims to publish proceedings from The International Conference on Multidisciplinary Studies (ICoMSi). This Proceeding is published annually in fields of multidisciplinary studies.
The articles that were submitted to ICoMSi will be processed through a formatting review by the editor and a substantial review by an independent reviewers. The reviewing process is conducted by a double blind review. The reviewers are chosen by Scientific Committee. The decision regarding article publication is based on the review result.
The articles published in this series' proceedings are immediately and always free to read, download, copy, and share. This series' proceedings are all open access. Every volume is released under the CC BY-SA 4.0 user licence, which specifies the uses of its content by third parties that are allowed. The conference organisers cover the cost of each
Current Issue
The Concept of Halal Tourism in Setanggor Halal Tourism Village
Abstract views: 4 times |
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Youth Participation in Global Development: A Lesson Learned from Local Volunteering in Semarang
Abstract views: 16 times |
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Regulation of Sales Tax Discounts on Luxury Goods (PPnBM) for Vehicles as a Leverage of Post-Covid19 Economic Growth In Indonesia
Abstract views: 5 times |
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The Inheritance of Skill and Knowledge of Kamasan Painting as Part of Culture Preservation
Abstract views: 1 times |
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Tangled Threads: Investigating Child Criminality, Social Equity, and Disrupted Families
Abstract views: 13 times |
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A New Perspective on 19th Century Style Heritage Buildings in Muntok, Indonesia: Reviewing the Craftsmanship of Chinese Builders
Abstract views: 9 times |
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The Role of Social Capital and Power Structure in The Underground Economy of Pasar Maling in Malang City Indonesia
Abstract views: 6 times |
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Strengthening Institutional Counseling For Regeneration of Young Farmers In Cianjur Regency
Abstract views: 2 times |
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Study of KOH uses in the Dried Seaweed Processing Factory Eucheuma cottonii at Jumpai Beach, Bali by SWOT Analysis
Abstract views: 4 times |
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