Simfoni Kidung Tanggulangin: From Us to Keswa
Social Innovation, Mental Disorder, Mental Health, Teraphy, Environtmental Management, Waste Management, Social Empowering, health-friendly village.Abstract
Mental illness often becomes a turning point in a person's life. The strong social stigma and the double burden that mental health patients must bear make them vulnerable to isolation and discrimination. The CSR program of Pertamina Gas Operation East Java Area, titled "Symphony of Tanggulangin,” in Tanggulangin Subdistrict, Sidoarjo, East Java, presents new hope. Through a comprehensive therapy program, we strive to provide a 'new chapter' for mental health patients, helping them manage their symptoms, improve their quality of life, and return to active participation in society.Because medication is not the only solution to the problems of mental health patients, they need activities as a form of therapy. Through various activities that promote economic improvement, social empowerment, and environmental preservation, mental health patients can consistently be reintegrated into society. With the principle that mental health patients are a vulnerable group deserving of "recovery" in their lives, the CSR of Pertamina Gas Operation East Java Areacontinues to carry out social innovation activities. Moreover, every part of society also plays an important role. Collaboration among actors such as the government, companies, academics, and volunteers is needed to realize a mental health-friendly village.
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