Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Mei 2023
Implementation of the QCDMSE Strategy in the Community Empowerment Program to Utilize the Sulawesi Masked Owls as a Natural Predator for Rodents
Implementation of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Fuel Terminal Rewulu Corporate Social Responsibility Program through the Traditional Tempe Processing Program (PETRA) by KWM Berlian Progo
Community Empowerment and Environmental Management through Eco Enzyme Production Training in Kismoyoso Village, Boyolali – Central Java
Developing Science Skills and Introducing Traditional Herbal Medicine to Children through Science Experiment: Making Ice Cream
Environmental Care and Cultural Invention through the SEHATI Program with the Application of Organism Response Stimulus (SOR)
Capacity Building for the Community of Air Anyir Village through Training on Processed Fish-Based Food Products