Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Mei 2023
Implementation of the QCDMSE Strategy in the Community Empowerment Program to Utilize the Sulawesi Masked Owls as a Natural Predator for Rodents
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Implementation of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Fuel Terminal Rewulu Corporate Social Responsibility Program through the Traditional Tempe Processing Program (PETRA) by KWM Berlian Progo
Abstract views: 3 times |
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Community Empowerment and Environmental Management through Eco Enzyme Production Training in Kismoyoso Village, Boyolali – Central Java
Abstract views: 15 times |
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Developing Science Skills and Introducing Traditional Herbal Medicine to Children through Science Experiment: Making Ice Cream
Abstract views: 6 times |
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Environmental Care and Cultural Invention through the SEHATI Program with the Application of Organism Response Stimulus (SOR)
Abstract views: 22 times |
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Capacity Building for the Community of Air Anyir Village through Training on Processed Fish-Based Food Products
Abstract views: 4 times |
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