Author Guidelines

Articles are structured reports that represent community empowerment activities, which at least consist of Title, Abstract, Introduction, Method, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, and References. Detailed instructions for preparing articles can be found in Article Template

Before you submit an article, you must:
1. Read publication ethics
2. Understand the peer review policy
3. Read  the Article Processing Charge
4. Ensure that all the criteria in this check-list are met (if one of the criteria is not met, your article will automatically be returned or rejected)

Technical note
Technical notes are articles containing tips, operational instructions, or sharing experiences by the lecturer with the community or certain communities. Only tips that are unique, contributive, and have a large audience will be facilitated to be published. To write a technical note, the author must make a short proposal which is sent to the editor. If approved by the editor, the author is allowed to write the complete article and process it as a normal submission.