Community Empowerment Practices on the Coast of Pegantungan Village through the Pegantungan Sejahtera Program


  • Lingga Gayuh Kinara PLN Nusantara Power Sektor 4 Bangka Belitung



CSR; Community Empowerment; Coastal Women


Pegantungan Village, Badau District, Belitung Regency has very interesting marine product potential to be developed. Seeing this potential, PT PLN Nusantara Power Services PLTU Suge Belitung collaborates with the community in Pegantungan Village in the Pegantungan Sejahtera Program as an effort to empower the community by utilizing local resources. The presence of the Pegantungan Sejahtera program answers various problems in Pegantungan Village, starting from the plunging price of crabs, uncertain crab catches, to the abundance of crab shell waste in Pegantungan Village. This community empowerment effort is through the process of forming agreements, training, mentoring, and monitoring and evaluation. The Pegantungan Sejahtera Program has achieved various aspects of sustainability such as financial success, expanding partnership networks and increasing individual capacity. Institutionally, 3 groups have been formed from this program, namely the Mutiara Ru Group, the Pegantungan Sari Laut Group, and the Pegantungan Crab Cultivation Group. This article will discuss how to practice coastal community empowerment in Pegantungan Village.





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