Vol. 2 No. 3 (2023): September 2023
Economic, Social, and Environmental Impacts of the Economic Empowerment Program in Gampong Kuta Barat, Sukakarya District, Sabang City, Aceh Province
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Turtle Conservation and Education Center (TCEC) as a Corporate Social Responsibility Program in Serangan Village The Attempt on Turtles Preserving
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The Influence of Local Wisdom and Culture Approach Strategy on CSR Implementation in Klayas Village
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Community Empowerment Through the Kampung Pangan Madani Social Innovation Program
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Improvement of Skills for Preparing Electronic Teaching Materials (E-Modules) in the Form of Flipped Books for Sociology Anthropology Teachers at High Schools in Sukoharjo Regency
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Implementation of Creating Shared Value (CSV) in the Community Empowerment Program "Cardamom Spice Village" PT Industri Jamu dan Farmasi Sido Muncul Tbk
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Implementation of Core Competency and Life Cycle Assesment (LCA) In the CID Program Petani Maju 4.0 of PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam
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Cross-Sectoral Collaboration in Empowering Pineapple Farmers A Case Study of PT Pupuk Kujang's CSR Implementation in the Kampung NanasKu Program
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